".. Te ahorra mucho dinero en marketing y publicidad y en poco tiempo puedes llegar a todo el mundo, porque es una plataforma internacional, ... a parte, te permite estar en contacto con otros profesionales e intercambiar recursos, talentos, ..."
What is a Khalma experience?
Organize activities to improve people's happiness and well-being.
If you are a coach, a teacher, or lead socio-recreational activities related to a person's physical, psychological, or emotional well-being, this is your home.
We want to do different things to adapt to demanding tastes.
Let me tell you the 5 REASONS why you should join us ...
New clients will find you
Finding you on the Internet is not easy. Khalma’s digital marketing strategy means you will be more visible on Google and other search engines.
Publish online experiences
Due to the pandemic, activities have changed from offline to online, leading to an exponential increase in the DEMAND for online experiences.
Secure payments
Sometimes “circumstances” arise for our clients, and they finally DO NOT attend the events. Plan your services once they have paid for them.
Find spaces to carry out your activities
Renting spaces to carry out an activity on that specific date, prices, conditions, etc., is not a quick an easy task. With Khalma, it will be.
You will find professionals to make your space profitable
If you have a private or business venue and want to get the most of it, you can easily rent it with us.
In addition to all of these benefits!
EXTRA BENEFIT! All this with an initial investment of ZERO!
We know what your time costs, and sometimes the unknown makes us doubt whether or not it is worth embarking on a new opportunity.
Follow these simple steps
Create your experience
Describe what it is, add photos, videos, maximum number of people, price, etc.
Add the space where the experience will take place or select "On Line" if it is an online experience.
If you don't have a space, Khalma will help you find one.
Choose the professional who will direct the experience
If you don't know a professional, Khalma will help you find one.
Publish the experience and share it with all your contacts
Do you have space and WANT TO MAKE IT PROFITABLE?
I have a place to rent
Do you WANT TO FIND A VENUE for your experience?
I need a venue for my experience
What our professionals think
Brasil-España (Murcia)
"... Es una solución que me aporta mucho, ya que me permite llegar a más clientes, a reconocer mi marca, y además me permite gestionar mis cobros de una forma fácil y sencilla, además una cosa que agradezco muchísimos es que tiena una comunidad de entrenadores y profesionales de distinto hábitos de la salud donde todos nos nutrimos,..."
Juan José Sánchez
España (Madrid)
Entrenador personal y organizador de actividades colectivas en grupo
"... Me aporta muchas ventajas, ponen a mi disposición herramientas de facturación para la oferta de mis servicios, calendario, agenda, un grupo de mastermind, un blog para generar contenido, para mí es una plataforma realmente útil, válida, y que satisface muchas o todas las necesidades de un profesional independiente, para estar ocupado en lo que debo estar ocupado, mis servicios, mis clientes, ...
Antonio Fuentes
España (Madrid)
"... Decidí colgar mis actividades en Khalma porque para mí es una forma fantástica de dar a conocer mi trabajo, de que se expanda y de que más personas se puedan beneficiar de él, además me gusta mucho la comunidad que se está formando unidos por el bienestar; me encanta el hecho de estar bien apoyada, porque la plataforma cuenta con un equipo humano genial, ..."